Hi girls! Today i show you a fun manicure! It's animal print nails. My suggestion is in green tones but you can do with another colour.
-Base uñas
-Esmalte nude
-Esmalte verde
-Esmalte negro
-Palillo o pincel
-Top coat transparente
-Nail base polish
-Green nail polish
-Nude nail polish
-Black nail polish
-Brush or a toothpick
-Transparent top coat
Os dejo el paso a paso:
Here is the procedure:
1. Aplicamos la base de uñas para protegerlas
1. Apply the nail base for protect them.
2. Aplicamos nuestro esmalte verde y nude en las uñas que quieras.
2. Apply the green and nude nail polish in the nails what you want.
3. Cuando el esmalte este seco, con un pincel o palillo hacemos manchas verdes irregulares encima del esmalte nude.
3. When the polish is dry, do some irregular spot in green nail polish with the brush, on top of the nude nail polish.
4. Con el palillo o pincel, vamos a hacer los bordes de las manchas de forma irregular. No hace falta que quede perfecto.
4. With the brush, paint with the black nail polish around the spots. It doesn't need that is perfect.
5. Aplicamos top coat transparente para su mayor duración.
5. Apply transparent top coat for a better lenght.
Espero que os guste!
Hope you like it!
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